Sunday, June 17, 2018

Friday- Connecting with Disney Songs

The highlight of our Friday was having a party at the Alumni Center a house down from the Hwangs for 23 of the girls from Soshin, where we had been spending our previous week. We were excited to hear while preparing for the girls to arrive that they loved having us in their classrooms and that they were excited to see us again. We made pizza and hotdogs, nigiri (rice balls), and there were multiple kinds of cake for dessert. The girls were eager to practice their English with us and talk about anything we had in common. I (Abigail) was always met with excitement when I talked about the Kpop (Korean pop music) and Disney movies I liked and we found some we all enjoyed.

We all ate, talked, and played games for hours, it's always so sweet and humbling to be able to enjoy things like laughing and squealing a little when the Jenga tower falls in different languages and still understand each other. We enjoyed each others' company kept finding things we loved and Nathan and Ben taught the girls useful American phrases and some slang which resulted in lots of laughs. Ben had the opportunity to share a short version of testimony with a translator and multiple girls seemed interested in missions when he talked about being a missionary which was encouraging.

The best part of my night was getting to sing Disney songs in a circle with some of the girls. We all knew Let It Go so we had fun singing as loudly and dramatically as we could. It was so much fun to connect by singing loudly together like I'm sure the girls from Soshin and I have both done at sleepovers. Disney movies brought us together and allowed to connect because we are the same, just from different parts of the world.


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